Avast Premier Antivirus The most powerful Avast security. Complete with automatic software updates, data shredding, firewall, safe payments, DNS hijacking shields and more.
version: 18.8.4084.0
Download Avast Premier Antivirus It's now free on FREESTEMS.
Features :
-Complete, top-of-the-line security and the best Avast has to offer made faster and more powerful by working from the Cloud.
-Avast Premier improves your home network scanning
-Offers automatic software updates
-Stops redirects to fake websites, safely shreds data, and features SafeZone
the world's most secure browser, so you can shop, browse, or bank, safe from hackers and online ads.
-It's the ultimate protection
-from the most-trusted security provider in the world.
-It also features an enhanced Game Mode to maximize your gaming experience.